Occurs when the ink is thin or the pad slips during printing. The slippage of the pad during printing may be caused by a hard pad, weak device, inclination in a part of the device, or excessive pad pressure. Causes and solutions:
Causes of Pad
- If the pad is too hard, a softer pad should be used.
- If the pressure exceeds the limits, the buffer pressure should be adjusted or a holding apparatus that provides better support should be prepared.
- If the print area of the pad is too small for the image, a wider pad should be used.
Causes of Printing Block
- If the printing block (cliche) is too deep, a new cliché should be prepared at the appropriate depth.
- If the type of cliché is wrong, a new cliché should be tried with the screen or a different type of screen should be used.
Reasons Caused by Ink
- If the ink is slow to dry, try a new mix with a fast-drying thinner.
- If the ink is thin, unthinner ink should be added to thicken it.
Reasons Based on Material
- If the material surface is extremely uneven, a specially shaped pad should be used or the pad position should be adjusted.
Other Causes
- If the holding apparatus is not suitable, a suitable apparatus should be prepared.
- If the working mechanism is not suitable, the mechanism should be prepared again.