This problem is mostly encountered when a single print is made on dark colored material. Often the second printing solves the problem. If it is not solved in this way, printing with the desired brightness can be achieved by printing on a white or, depending on the situation, silver color background. Causes and solutions for this problem:
Causes of Pad
- If the pad is not suitable for ink transfer due to being too flat or soft, a suitable pad should be used.
- If the pad surface is porous and rough, the pad should be replaced.
Causes of Printing Block
- If the tram type is not suitable, a new cliché should be prepared with a suitable tram.
- If the depth of the cliché is too low, a deeper cliché should be prepared and the printing should be tried again.
- If the cliché type is chosen incorrectly, the use of steel cliché instead of polymer can solve the problem.
Causes of Ink
- If the ink is thin, a new ink mix should be used using less thinner.
- If the ink cannot be transferred correctly, printing should be paused or air supplied for full adhesion.
Material-Related Causes
- If the desired brightness cannot be achieved due to the darkness of the material color, a second print should be made on top of the first print to create an additional layer.